How to submit
The proceedings of ICCIES 2025 will be published by Springer in series Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence LNCS/LNAI and Communications in Computer and Information Science CCIS, and will be distributed at the conference.
Paper Preparation
Language: English
Format: Springer’s LNCS/LNAI style
Length: 12-15 pages
Paper Submission
Each paper should be submitted electronically as a single PDF file through CMT (
Registration and submission guideline
Other Requirements
All contributions should be original and not published elsewhere or intended to be published during the review period.
Papers are invited from prospective authors with interests on the indicated conference topics.
Contributions from more applied related fields in industry and commerce are very welcome.
All accepted papers must be presented by one of the authors who must register for the conference and pay the fee.
Only personally presented papers can be nominated for the Best Paper competition and considered for publication in an expanded form in special issues for prestigious journals.
Review Process
The review process for the conference is highly rigorous. It comprises two phases: in the first phase we gather reviews from reviewers, and in the second phase, submissions and reviews are re-evaluated by the Meta-reviewing Committee. The final decisions regarding acceptance for all papers including those submitted to special sessions have been made by the Program Committee.
Avoiding Plagiarism and Self-Plagiarism
The authors are requested to avoid plagiarism and self-plagiarism in their works.
Your can find in the Internet numerous guidelines on ethical writing, such as a comprehensive guide prepared by Miguel Roig.
In turn, a two page extract from this guide you can find here.
Please note that the members the ICCIES International Program Committee are asked to give special attention to plagiarism and self-plagiarism while reviewing papers submitted to the conference.
Moreover, Springer routinely uses the iThenticate software ( to detect irregularities in papers received for publication in the LNCS/LNAI Proceedings.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Generated Text
In adherence to our conference policy, the publication of papers containing text generated by artificial intelligence (AI) is strictly prohibited.
ICCIES 2025 conference submissions go through a comprehensive two-stage evaluation process. Initial assessments are carried out by International Program Committee members in the first stage, followed by Metareview Board members in the second stage. These reviewers are explicitly instructed to verify that the submitted papers are not generated by artificial intelligence (AI).